Jaguar’s ‘badge’ redesigned again !

Without Jaguar consent or knowledge, more as a surprise for the 89 year old car company, following the company matra “copy nothing” and keeping in style while appealing to some of the people who adore car folklore akinned with said car company, the designer “Stan” said “It was the only thing to do…”

The designer quipped ‘ There’s nout wrong with the name font, either and it should remain… but one thing should by rights change and pay homage to the brand ambassador ‘part deux’ who is massively respected in himself and for his love of the brand. And that, “in the world”, can only be, the one and only :

Some say, the doctor should be knighted now. Dr Jennifer Clarkson.

Long standing artist and designer Stan told us “Jennifer also doesn’t know about this yet but we hope she he they I am not sure which applies, finds out soon and is ‘chuffed’ at the idea.” He continues “I was sat pottering around, thinking what I could create next and out of nowhere it came to me. Make the very thing you photoshopped on the Grand Tour group, some years ago and take it that one step further.”

Thinking for a moment Stan then said “You know, if we combine a word from each of the trio that makes even more homage to the design we should call the design “An Fat Idiot”, each word coming from Jeremy, Ricahrd and James, respectively.

The designer joked “I’ve put all the eggs in one basket and thrown the basket away here. This just works. There is no reason why the world shouldn’t see this happen, to a great car brand, in a car loving country almost sponsored by the greatest class of car entertainment that ever existed.”

“I admit, many people out there don’t like Jeremy Clarkson, but to power phrase him perfectly : “you’re wrong”. But there is no denying the whole idea is so whacky and so right, it should happen.

So ladies and people who have a gentlemans sausage, I give you : An Fat Idiot – the new Jaguar badge

… because : “it’s a Jaaaag.
