Jah No Dead – The epic scene

[police and thieves playing] out of the dancehall feeling somewhat dejected, his bike stolen. He turns to his friend to let him know the events and they go for a walk to the beach. Taking a seat, listening to the majesty of the waves naturally and gently crashing around them, his friend starts to sing….. but they tried to fool the black population


You can see my comment on the video and it’s 100% true as many will atest :

The song is said to be a response to the assassination of the head of the rasta movement also the Emperor of Ethiopia, H.I.M. Haile Selassie I in 1975 which makes this whole thing now span 50 years.

I remember the song being played by the ras Mystry Man on dubfm 107.2 back in the day. Fond memories. Smoking and enjoying the vibes. Having a good time with friends. I never considered my life in reggae music a career until the last segment where I worked with the honorable BigJohn on Tellstream.

And it was there i used to play this scene, many a time as a startup to my regular shows. And if there was ever a piece of music to salute, this was it. Among others of course !

Many may not feel this scene the way some, myself included, feel. But you know what they say :


Blessed love to one and all. No excuses. Jah no dead. Ah rumour dem a spread.

And let’s face it, they can never prove it. Selah
