Where would I be ? – Jah Vinci

It may not shock you that the world renowned signer is 20 years into his career, hailing from August Town, comes from a musical family. Both his parents were singers and although I am privvy to the first 3 years of JV being active, I was in zero shock to know the man himself Kartel assisted the artist in becoming a household name.

I’ve been listening and indeed was happily promoting Jah Vinci on my shows. I felt anthem qualities almost every time I was on something worthy of a pull up. One of my favourites was on the Major Minor Riddim called Gwaan Home, a song where the artist sang about being with a partner who would try to drive him somewhere near mad.

But the above song has taken me by storm and remains in the cassette player on a daily. “If a never for you” has become a instant and long dwelling hit for many many people, jamaicans and not, around the world.

So I wanted to post this and say a huge respect going out to the artist. One Love JV.

Don’t forget Jah Vinci has a huge and growing catalogue of tunes and you can find many if not all of them on Youtube and other streaming sites like Spotify and such.

