John Higgins – Was he guilty ?
Numerous big players were put under the microscope and some were banned, including John but :

Well that just about clears up that.. hold on wtf ? (The wtf is for added effect because this (what you are about to read) isn’t news to me). /checks bracket count.
I am a firm believer that you can be there and have no intent. You can even be scared and go with your fears and even reluctantly carry out something yet still never have had the intent. You can be “shitting your pants” frightened and do it, yet still wish you never had to. That you could walk away.
It’s like Mark Myrie all over again. Mark Myrie was allegedly “bandooloo-ed” into a drugs meeting and then given 10 years. The man was at the top of his game in the reggae world and had been there a long time, but that’s another story.
You can see on the guardian page in two lines of text and if that doesn’t tell you enough, and you still say “he’s a fraud” AND refuse to pose WHY you say that, then maybe you are a little naive about your own sensibility and a fraud to your own claims.
If he guilty ? If the answer was yes. Fuck him. Strip him of any entrance ability into the gentlemans game. Isn’t that what we do ? A doctor raping kids or experimenting on them should be banned forever. Jail or not. You put him around kids, you might aswell do the deed yourself.
Here’s just one of the news articles on John :
Another ? More ? Enough ? Google isn’t your friend but it does link a lot of info, true or false : – Even the AI write up doesn’t say John commited any real wrong doing.
“Higgins was cleared of the most serious charges – of agreeing to accept a bribe and agreeing to engage in corrupt or fraudulent conduct – but found guilty of failing to report the illegal approach and intentionally giving the impression he was prepared to act in breach of betting rules.”
Two very important things :
1. John Higgins knew of the deal. Yes. Was he in fear ? You don’t know.
2. John Higgins wasn’t seemingly in need for £261,000 and a risk of a ruined career.
You may never know why I am posting the following image :

…. but if you think John Higgins knowingly risked his career and would have carried these bribes out, you better contact Snoop Dog, because you surely believe the Island Boys are gonna gonna fuck up his career with some banging tunes.